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Wokshop Sainte Marie

Location: Zaghouan, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2016
Surface Area: 30 sqm
Status: Completed

Project Summary

This project is above all an experience that we carried out with my students from the national school of architecture and town planning of Sidi Bou Said, the H2TEAM and with my partner architect Hedi Hamzaoui. Rather than approaching the project by abstraction, or focusing exclusively on technical questions to assess and develop students’ aptitudes, this exercise proposes to explore the project through essential notions in architecture: reflection, representation and materialization.

This exercise consists of an architectural interpretation of a musical work. Or how to go from a hearing experience ——– to an architectural spatial interpretation.

In this interpretation we will have to read the rhythm of the music, its sounds, its sensoriality and the emotions that it can transmit.

The song chosen for this installation is “the Battle” by composer Hans Zimmer, taken from the soundtrack of the Gladiator Film. The installation was carried out at Domaine Sainte Mari du Zit in February 2016 The team that worked on the project: Emna Sassi, Rihab Najah, Messaoudi Aymen, Yosser Ben Amor, Siwar Bouzidi Amal Hichri, Rym Nefzi, Firas Ben Youssef, Anis Ben Rhouma, Amine Hafsa, Dina Harzeli, Bilel Sliti, Hajer Mzid, Meryéma Rebah, Mohamed Trii, Sammoud Safouene, Rania Mansouri, Sarah Zioud, Chouikha Gad, Nermine Mili.

Allrights reserved – Hasni and Hasni Architects 2024