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Villa Sama

Location: Djerba, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2023-2024
Surface Area: 600 sqm
Status: Under construction

Project Summary

Located in the heart of Djerba island, this villa draws deep inspiration from the classical Djerbian model. The concept of this house is to create a white square platform, which becomes a patio surrounded by a thick fence that incorporates various functions such as doors, toilets, showers, etc. At the four corners of the patio stand the four functions of the house, each unit being independent of the others.

These include the living room, the kitchen and its dependencies, the master suite, and the two children’s bedrooms stacked on top of each other. The center of the platform becomes the communal space that brings together the four volumes and the people who inhabit them.

A swimming pool serves as a water reservoir collecting rainwater. A malqaf system, similar to chimneys, captures cool breezes to bring them indoors. The palm tree landscape surrounding the villa is an integral part of the patio’s interior, allowing for an extension of the relatively small indoor space.

Allrights reserved – Hasni and Hasni Architects 2024