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Location: Mutuelle Ville, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2024
Surface Area: 150 sqm
Status: Completed

Project Summary

The challenge presented by this project lies in designing an extension for this sports complex, spanning two floors and a ground level. The specific request is to maximize the use of the outdoor terrace to expand the available indoor space.

To meet this requirement, we have decided to double the surface area of the existing classroom.

To materialize this expansion, we have opted to install a geodesic dome measuring 6 meters high and 12 meters in diameter. This structure will offer an optimal solution by covering the outdoor terrace while creating a spacious and versatile indoor space.

Additionally, this dome will serve as a distinctive element in the urban landscape, attracting the attention of passersby and providing an advertising opportunity for the sports complex.

The generous volume of the newly created room offers numerous possibilities for layout. It can be used for a variety of sports activities, group classes, training sessions, or even special events. Its versatility makes it suitable for various needs and occasions, thereby maximizing the utilization and profitability of the entire sports complex.

Finally, the speed of execution in the construction process is a crucial element for the success of the project. Careful planning and efficient coordination are essential to ensure that the extension is completed within the specified timeframe, minimizing disruptions for complex users and ensuring a smooth transition to the new development phase.

Allrights reserved – Hasni and Hasni Architects 2024