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Banque des états d’Afrique de l’Ouest

Location: Libreville, Gabon
Project Duration: 2010-2015
Surface Area: 7000 sqm
Status: Competition

Project Summary

The project represents a major challenge, that of reconciling two essential axes: on the one hand, defining the bank as a solid economic entity with a modern and international image, and on the other hand, preserving its local character inherent to a country deeply rooted in its natural resources, considered as its true wealth.

To meet these imperatives, the design of the bank revolves around two wings, in accordance with the established program. On the ground floor, a communal space on the rooftop offers an opportunity for social life, where bank employees can gather during their breaks and for collective events.

This platform serves as a gathering place, fostering interactions and strengthening the sense of belonging to a community.

As for the façade, it is conceived as a true truck transporting tree trunks from the forest. This metaphor is translated into a superposition of these trunks, forming a screen against sunlight while animating the horizontal and vertical circulation spaces inside the bank.

This symbolic approach aims to express the close relationship between the bank and its natural environment, while creating a dynamic and inspiring atmosphere within its premises.

By integrating these architectural elements, the project seeks to reflect the bank’s unique identity, combining modernity and tradition, while providing a functional and welcoming working environment for its employees.

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