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Location: Mahdia, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2022
Client: Sociéte de développement de Sebkha de Ben Ghayadha
Surface Area: 146 ㏊
Status: Competition

Project Summary

Since its foundation by the Fatimids in 909 AD, Mahdia, the dual city (Mahdia the residential and political city, and Zouila its economic and commercial center) was bounded to the west by a series of Sebkhas, which for a long time represented a limit to any urbanization. Wasn’t it on the banks that certain families sought refuge during the numerous attacks the city faced, hence the name “Sabkha” of an old family of Mahdia? The presence of the mausoleum of Ben Ghayatha, which gave its name to the Sebkha, may explain the protective role it may have had during the invasions of Mahdia. However, in the current context of the city’s evolution—tourism development inducing urban growth in neighboring areas, Mahdia’s increasing role as the capital of the governorate—the development of the Sebkha has become an essential consideration.


Aber City occupies a vast coastal area connected to the land with an island (area 142 hectares). We aimed to establish the notion of community within it, where living together is the cornerstone. We tried to create a prototype specific to the intervention area (climate and population) and highlight the coherence of the entire program illustrated by the Master plan. We worked on a 20-meter coastal strip covering the entire area and established a specific program: 6 points of interest including a research university, cultural center, sports complex, palliative care center, agora and museum, mixed buildings (shops, residences, offices), cultural facilities, a palliative care center, and a hotel with extensive development work mainly along the coastal area. We made modifications to this framework following a zoning plan that meets the previously mentioned program, thus creating an attractive hub, functional balance across the site, and smooth connectivity between its various lots while ensuring connection with the city of Mahdia (via ferries) by considering the existing network.

We attempted to examine how the different components of the intermediate scale interact with each other and how it operates. By creating connections and access between the various flagship facilities of ABER City as well as with the mixed units. This also involves promoting soft mobility (bike paths, pedestrian zones). Additionally, we worked on the exterior landscaping of green areas and public spaces and the interior design of buildings by developing activity in the coastal area (water sports club, fishing club, floating platform, kayak parking dock…).


Subterranean level: E-car and bicycle service center / food production / zero waste system / water storage and treatment / energy storage and algae bioreactor. Construction: The buildings will have distinct identities, each being a passive design experience. Shapes will be adjusted to maximize public space and create comfortable indoor/outdoor spaces. Community: Community sharing: residents gather, work, and play in an active public domain. Innovative opportunities allow resource sharing while creating a “co-living” community, from compost gardens to collaborative fixings. Developing a mix of functions: Housing, workspace, market, coworking space, restaurant, retail. The underground level is designed as a solution to gain space at the surface level, where it will host everything related to energy storage, water storage and treatment, organic production, aquaponics, washing center, and parking space for small cars and bicycles.

Allrights reserved – Hasni and Hasni Architects 2024