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Straw ball House

Location: Zaghouan, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2012
Status: Completed

Project Summary

« By cultivating one’s land, can we harvest a house ». This approach pushes the boundaries of traditional construction by using the abundant straw that carpets the fields during the summer. This raw material, often overlooked, becomes the starting point for exploring a technique that is both new and old, with its roots in the first horse-drawn machines in the vast plains of Nebraska, USA.

The process begins with the arrangement of straw bales on stone walls, thus creating a solid base for construction. These bales are then wrapped in a mixture of earth, which acts both as a natural binder and as an effective insulator. An additional layer of lime plaster is then applied as a protective coating, providing both a rustic aesthetic and increased durability.

To ensure protection against the elements and guarantee the longevity of the structure, a metal frame is installed above the whole, offering protection against the elements while preserving the integrity of the straw.

This approach to straw construction not only offers an ecological and sustainable alternative to conventional construction methods, but also embodies a deep connection with the land and the natural resources that surround us. By harvesting a house from the very land we cultivate, we create a tangible link between humans and their environment, while building a comfortable and nature-friendly habitat.

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