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Lettre à Mr. Arno

Pavilion for the centenary of the Bauhaus

Location: Médina de Tunis, Tunisie
Project Duration: 2019
Surface Area: 36 sqm
Status: Completed

Project Summary

Hasni& Hasni architect and the H2TEAM workshop of the National School of Architecture and Urbanism (ENAU), led by architect Amin Hasni, came together to realize this project as part of the centenary of the Bauhaus.

Installing the pavilion in the street was essential for us; we couldn’t confine it within four walls, away from the general public. Our occupation of the street was almost anarchic, and we needed to find a place that could facilitate interaction between residents and users. The Hafsia square became THE PLACE, and shortly after its installation, all the children from the neighborhood were drawn to it.

49 years after its inception: In homage to the architect ARNO HEINZ, who designed the Hafsia project and installed a geodesic dome in the current sports field just below this square in 1970. Besides the design of the new neighborhood, we discovered how the architect organized life around the two schools and the current sports field, as well as how he created gardens and playgrounds to connect his new neighborhood to the existing fabric.

In a letter received from Mr. ARNO dated October 24, he explains the vision of his sketch, “Regarding my sketch: This is not a detailed project, just an illustration of the principle of not dividing the fabric of the medina with a typology of tall buildings and wide roads – as proposed at the time by our dear colleagues. However, some elements of a very different technology may make sense there if they respect the scale, significance, and function. Good luck with your efforts, and see you soon” – Arno Heinz- October 24, 2019.

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