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Complexe de culture et des affaires

Location: Moknine, Tunis
Project Duration: 2021
Surface Area: 2 680 sqm
Status: Competition

Project Summary

The project encompasses various functions and spans across a ground floor and four levels, within a height limit not exceeding 20 meters. Situated strategically in relation to the city’s landmarks, this project is poised to become a source of social and cultural dynamism for the city of Moknine, thanks to its diversified program and strategic location.
The aim is to design a cultural and business complex that embodies a new image for the city of Moknine, serving as a landmark in its urban fabric. The project takes the form of a monolithic volume resulting from a stratification of layers.
A key aspect of the design is the choice of material: Moknine brick. This local material offers several advantages, including well-mastered construction techniques by local labor, thereby reducing transportation costs and showcasing the region’s craftsmanship. Additionally, Moknine brick is an insulating material, resistant to fire, and provides good thermal inertia.

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