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Poly Space

Location: Mornag, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2017
Surface Area: 600 sqm
Status: Completed

Project Summary

The Mornag Hall project is conceived as more than just a versatile space within a residential complex. It stands as a true architectural symbol, a white monolith that stands out and becomes a visual landmark in the city. Its strategic location gives it a striking presence in its immediate environment, contributing to the urban identity of the region.

Beyond its distinctive aesthetic aspect, the project also aims to be a reference in terms of energy performance.

The approach adopted involves using the building’s structure itself as an effective barrier against excessive sunlight. The thick walls, averaging 70 cm, play a crucial role in this strategy.

By acting as a protective envelope, they help maintain a comfortable indoor temperature while reducing reliance on air conditioning systems.

A key element of this design is the play of voids integrated into the façade, which creates shaded areas at different times of the day.

This intelligent approach to architectural design not only ensures optimal thermal comfort inside the hall, but also helps reduce energy consumption associated with cooling, thus enhancing the building’s environmental sustainability.

By combining contemporary aesthetics, functionality, and energy performance, the Mornag Hall emerges as an inspiring example of holistic architectural design, meeting the needs of the community while adhering to principles of sustainability and energy efficiency.

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