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Domaine Sainte Marie du Zit

Location: Zaghouan, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2009-Of becoming
Surface Area: 270 000 sqm
Status: Of becoming

Project Summary

Located 48 kilometers from Tunis between Zaghouan and Mornag, on a wild and preserved mountain that still hides many mysteries, the Sainte Marie du Zit estate welcomes you for a total reset. 

No running water, no electricity, a spring next to the permaculture vegetable garden, photovoltaic panels, a solar oven – the renovated and expanded houses have retained the Mediterranean layout of the courtyard, with rooms all around and generous volumes.

Everything is naturally organized to create platforms with views, a small cave, a choice of places to relax or isolate oneself. This extensive experimental laboratory of architecture and construction in earth, stone, brick, or wood, as well as an art and land art workshop, has been conceived as a 29-hectare domain (of which 20 are covered in forest) for disconnection, spending quality time, enjoying good food from the garden and poultry, and slowing down by immersing oneself in nature. 

We have also designed a sports circuit of 10 or 20 kilometers that passes through archaeological remains (Punic and Roman temples, mausoleum…), quite technical with its canyon passages and elevation changes that can be done on foot, by mountain bike, or in a 4X4 vehicle.

The estate has naturally become a hub that blends art, architecture, and ecology, where festivals and exhibitions are regularly organized. In addition to the circuit, we work closely with Zaghouan Aventures for those who want to add a bit of adrenaline to their stay!

Amin Hasni, Dealer of the slow life 

A hyperactive architect, he has a thousand projects in mind that he conceptualizes long before their realization. In 2009, he had his eye on the Ste Marie du Zit estate, which combined all the advantages: close to Tunis, surrounded by wild nature, and located on a mountain with a rich history. His only requirement was to preserve the place and live as naturally as possible. He renovated, expanded, and furnished the 2 houses, turning this project into a human adventure, and opened guest rooms and tables d’hôtes in 2022. Eco-construction, protection of fauna and flora, and energy consumption are among his main priorities. Raised among animals on his grandmother’s farm in Tunis, he nurtures a dream: to become a shepherd. Without a doubt, one day, a herd of goats will watch over him!


Corinne Delaunay Aug 21, 2023 

Allrights reserved – Hasni and Hasni Architects 2024