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Favoring an approach of contextual architecture, each project draws its inspiration and distinctive character from its immediate environment, be it narrative, historical, or natural. Each new project is an opportunity to discover new horizons, immerse oneself in new cultures, and push the boundaries of architectural creation.

The question of renewing the tourist model is at the heart of the agency’s concerns, constantly prompting it to rethink its vision for the future of the sector. This translates into the implementation of new practices and innovative approaches aimed at creating more sustainable, authentic, and enriching tourist experiences.

With an extensive network of consultants and experts, HASNI and Hasni Architects stand as a key player in the field of architecture in Tunisia, bringing their expertise and creativity to the service of the development and transformation of the national and international hotel industry.


The residential project represents an opportunity for us to return to the fundamentals of architecture. Living within the framework of the family nucleus constitutes the first cell of urban life. Each residential project revolves around a central idea, which first guides the family, then the residence or housing group, and finally the neighborhood as a whole.

Since the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, the dynamics of residential living have evolved. Spending more time at home, it has transformed into a workplace and an increasingly important space for socializing, both with family and friends. There is also a heightened focus on energy efficiency, with a bioclimatic approach becoming a cornerstone of residential units.

This new perspective redefines the concept of home, turning it into a multifunctional space where living, working, and leisure seamlessly converge. By emphasizing sharing and sustainability, contemporary residential projects strive to create living spaces that meet the changing needs of our society while preserving the environment.


One of the main areas of focus for our agency revolves around cultural projects. We firmly believe that culture is a fundamental element that shapes and defines a city. Whether through the creation of a museum or an urban installation, a cultural project becomes much more than just an architectural addition; it becomes an icon, a landmark, a symbol at the heart of the community.

Cultural projects have the power to transcend the boundaries of time and space, capturing the very essence of history, identity, and diversity within a community. They provide a space for meeting and dialogue, allowing residents and visitors to connect with their cultural heritage and celebrate it.

As architects, we see each cultural project as a unique opportunity to create an inspiring environment that stimulates curiosity, learning, and exchange. We aim to design spaces that foster wonder and contemplation while respecting the history and context of their surroundings.

Beyond their aesthetic aspect, cultural projects also contribute to the economic and social development of a city by attracting visitors, creating jobs, and revitalizing surrounding neighborhoods. They embody the very essence of a city’s soul, giving it a unique identity and enriching the lives of its residents.


Urban projects offer a valuable opportunity each time to rethink the model of communal living. Each urban project serves as a foundational pillar of cohabitation, sharing, and the occupation of public space. It embodies the interaction among individuals and the elements of the city. In a context of urban evolution, marked by the emergence of new technologies and the legacy of the past, the city becomes an extraordinary laboratory for envisioning community life.

These urban projects go beyond mere building construction, aiming to create environments conducive to conviviality, diversity, and inclusion. They encourage chance encounters, intercultural exchanges, and the formation of strong social bonds within the community.

By integrating the needs and aspirations of residents, as well as contemporary challenges such as environmental sustainability and urban resilience, urban projects can become catalysts for positive change. They represent an opportunity to rethink urban planning to create more humane, inclusive, and sustainable cities, where everyone can thrive and contribute to shaping the future of their urban environment.

Beyond their aesthetic aspect, cultural projects also contribute to the economic and social development of a city by attracting visitors, creating jobs, and revitalizing surrounding neighborhoods. They embody the very essence of a city’s soul, giving it a unique identity and enriching the lives of its inhabitants.

Interior Design

During the first five years of its operation, the agency primarily undertook interior design projects. The expansion of tourism in Tunisia in the early 2000s called into question the entire aging and dilapidated infrastructure. Extensive renovation operations allowed us to develop a new spirit of contemporary design, blending freshness and open layouts. Projects became more conceptual, evolving around narratives that imbue the project’s design with intricate details.

These renovations went beyond mere refurbishments; they also incorporated storytelling elements that added a new dimension to the design. By focusing on narratives, we were able to integrate symbolic and cultural elements into the projects, creating spaces that tell a story and captivate visitors. This approach transformed places into enriching and memorable experiences for residents and tourists alike, contributing to the revitalization of the tourism industry and the modernization of urban infrastructure.

Land Art

Amin Hasni, an architect by training and a burgeoning farmer, has been cultivating an agricultural domain on the mountainside in the southeast of Tunis since 2009, transforming it into his personal workshop. Here, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery through agriculture, art, and architecture—a deeply personal quest to reconnect with nature, the senses, and life itself.

Throughout the years, opportunities have arisen, and at times, Amin has intentionally created them, for installations and projects, always with the aim of being outdoors, in direct contact with people and the elements. “My aim is to bring the artistic act out of galleries and city walls and exhibit it outdoors in nature,” he explains.

Reflecting on the interaction between art and nature, Amin draws inspiration from the origins of artistic expression—perhaps the earliest humans in the vast Sahara or Australian Aborigines, who adorned rocks in the steppe with their art. Similarly, he sees the streets as a canvas, a place where art meets people, provokes them, engages them, and sometimes disrupts them. Art, in this context, finds its true meaning through interaction with people, as it becomes part of their daily lives, outside the confines of galleries or private spaces.

As Amin’s workshop expands, it extends beyond the mountainside to various locations such as the streets of Tunis, Djerba, the Costa Rican jungle, and even the medina of Tunis. The mountain serves as a metaphorical host for humanity, while the workshops continue and diversify, reaching new audiences and engaging with diverse environments and cultures.


Since 2009, our agency has invested in an experimental agricultural domain located 48 kilometers from Tunis, known as Domaine Sainte Marie du Zit in Zaghouan. We place great importance on experimenting with concepts and materials, covering all aspects, from the mode of occupation of the domain to reflection on the structures and materials used. This experimental approach offers us the rare opportunity to explore various construction methods, which do not often present themselves in our usual projects.

Mode of operation

The experience unfolds in the form of a multidisciplinary workshop, allowing for several missions:

  • Research mission
  • Experimentation mission
  • Information and dissemination mission


  1. MEET: Engage with various stakeholders from implementation to built environment.
  2. BRIDGE: Bridge the gap between education and research.
  3. EXECUTE: Merge thought and material around the question of construction, material utilization, form realization, creation, and innovation by working with real materials and techniques, building full-scale structures and spaces, and confronting approaches.

Pedagogic Workshop

The H2TEAM workshop is a third-year workshop led by Amin Hasni within the National School of Architecture and Urbanism of Sidi Bou Said. Founded in 2015, it is based on three main axes.

Firstly, it emphasizes the conceptual approach as the foundation of architectural projects. Students are encouraged to explore and develop their understanding of architectural concepts, drawing on innovative and creative design methodologies.

Secondly, the workshop focuses on the work of structures as an essential element of architecture in its practical dimension. Students gain practical experience in the design and construction of structures on a real scale.

Lastly, desert architecture is at the heart of the workshop’s concerns. Faced with the challenges posed by drastic climate changes and future desertification, H2TEAM positions itself as a research laboratory. Through projects designed for desert environments, students explore technical solutions and innovative materials to address future challenges and adapt to extreme climatic conditions.

Thus, the H2TEAM workshop offers students a unique opportunity to acquire practical skills while encouraging them to push the boundaries of traditional architectural design and find innovative solutions for contemporary and futurs challenges.

Desert Work

The H2TEAM is an experimental pedagogical workshop led by Amin Hasni as part of the third-year curriculum at the National School of Architecture and Urbanism of Sidi Bou Said. Established in 2015, it focuses primarily on desert architecture, reflecting the growing concern over the challenges posed by climate change and the threat of desertification.

As a response to these pressing issues, H2TEAM positions itself as a research laboratory, dedicated to exploring innovative solutions for desert environments. Through collaborative projects tailored to the unique demands of arid regions, students engage in hands-on experimentation with cutting-edge materials and techniques. This immersive learning experience equips them with practical skills while fostering a spirit of inquiry and creativity.

By challenging conventional approaches to architectural design, the workshop encourages students to think critically and push the boundaries of innovation. They are encouraged to develop forward-thinking solutions that not only address contemporary challenges but also anticipate future needs. In doing so, H2TEAM plays a vital role in preparing the next generation of architects to confront the complex realities of a rapidly changing world.


The issue of eco-construction and process sustainability is a relatively new phenomenon in Western architecture. However, our historical and heritage legacy has always addressed it. Additionally, in our history and classical construction processes, we have sought to implement suitable processes within the project’s context, whether it be for heating, cooling, sunlight exposure, or insulation.

This traditional approach, rooted in our architectural heritage, has often been based on a deep understanding of local environmental conditions and available resources. Ancient builders used natural and local materials, as well as construction techniques adapted to the climate and landscape, to maximize inhabitants’ comfort while minimizing environmental impact.

Today, with a growing awareness of environmental issues and sustainability imperatives, eco-construction has become a priority in many Western architectural projects. This approach integrates design principles aimed at reducing energy consumption, minimizing construction waste, and preserving natural resources, while creating healthy and comfortable living spaces for occupants.

In summary, although the concept of eco-construction may seem relatively new in the modern context, it actually draws its roots from our rich architectural heritage, where sustainability and adaptation to the context were fundamental values all along.


Hasni & Hasni architects pays special attention to the development of sports facilities, considering them as fundamental elements of the urban environment. These facilities are not only designed to meet functional needs but also to integrate harmoniously into the social fabric of the community. Indeed, they play a crucial role by becoming social attractions, attracting both the young and the old.

To fully fulfill their social function, these facilities must go beyond their simple utilitarian aspect and open up to their immediate environment. This means that they must be designed and arranged to promote social interactions and encourage participation from the entire community. By providing a space for gathering and physical activity, they contribute to strengthening social bonds and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Mariott DJERBA

Location: Djerba, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2018 -2024
Surface Area: 100 387 sqm
Status: Under construction

Pavillion under the canopy

Location: Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
Project Duration: 2017
Surface Area: 300 sqm
Status: Completed

The White Island

Location: Djerba, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2022
Status: Design Development

Sharm El Naga

Location: Hurghada, Egypt
Project Duration: 2019
Status: Design development


Location: Monastir, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2015-2016
Surface Area: 130000 sqm
Status: Completed

Abou Nawas Hammamet

Location: Hamamet, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2020
Surface Area: 35000 sqm
Status: Preliminary design

Wady al Qamar

Location: Hurghada, Egypt
Project Duration: 2008-2011
Surface Area: 80 000 sqm
Status: Design development

Coral Thalassa

Location: Hurghada, Egypt
Project Duration: 2009
Surface Area: 60 000 sqm
Status: preliminary design

The Résidence Djerba

Location: Djerba, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2022
Surface Area: 130000 sqm
Status: Design Development

Villa Baccar

Location: Djerba, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2007-2009
Surface Area: 2800 sqm
Status: Completed

Domaine Sainte Marie du Zit

Location: Zaghouan, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2009-Of becoming
Surface Area: 270 000 sqm
Status: Of becoming

Residence El HANA

Location: Gammarth, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2009-2011
Client: Esmeralda Real Estate
Surface Area: 20 400 sqm
Status: Completed


Location: Gammarth, Tunis
Project Duration: 2010-2015
Client: Esmeralda Real Estate
Surface Area: 8000 sqm
Status: Completed

Villa Sama

Location: Djerba, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2023-2024
Surface Area: 600 sqm
Status: Under construction

Sun House

Location: Gammarth, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2024
Surface Area: 450 sqm
Status: Preliminary design

White House

Location: Kélibia, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2020-2024
Surface Area: 800 sqm
Status: Under construction

Musée de la Révolution

Location: Sid Bou Zid, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2022
Status: Competition, First Prize

Of becoming

International competition for the requalification of the Byrsa Acropolis and the rehabilitation of the National Museum of Carthage

Location: Gammarth, Tunis
Project Duration: 2023
Client: Ministère des affaires culturelles
Status: Competition


International Competition for the Redevelopment of the Acropolis of Byrsa and the Rehabilitation of the National Museum of Carthage

Location: Gammarth, Tunis
Project Duration: 2023
Client: Ministère des affaires culturelles
Status: Competition

Espace Farah

Location: Bhar Lazrag, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2021
Client: Le Comité National de Solidarité laïque Tunisie
Surface Area: 300 sqm
Status: Completed

Poly Space

Location: Mornag, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2017
Surface Area: 600 sqm
Status: Completed

Banque des états d’Afrique de l’Ouest

Location: Libreville, Gabon
Project Duration: 2010-2015
Surface Area: 7000 sqm
Status: Competition

Cité des Arts

Location: Utique, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2023
Surface Area: 1000 sqm
Status: Preliminary design

Ayn O

Location: Beirouth, Lebanon
Project Duration: 2020
Status: Competition

Complexe de culture et des affaires

Location: Moknine, Tunis
Project Duration: 2021
Surface Area: 2 680 sqm
Status: Competition


Location: Mahdia, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2022
Client: Sociéte de développement de Sebkha de Ben Ghayadha
Surface Area: 146 ㏊
Status: Competition

Marketplace in Refugee Settlements

Location: Kakuma, KENYA
Project Duration: 2017
Surface Area: 3000 sqm
Status: Competition

Infinity Pavillion

Location: Tunis, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2020
Client: Ministère des affaires culturelles
Surface Area: 36 sqm
Status: Completed

Lettre à Mr. Arno

Pavilion for the centenary of the Bauhaus

Location: Médina de Tunis, Tunisie
Project Duration: 2019
Surface Area: 36 sqm
Status: Completed

Tall Emblem

Location: Za’abeel Park, DUBAI
Project Duration: 2007
Surface Area:150 meters in height
Status: Competition

Magoura City Sports

Location: Nabeul, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2012
Surface Area: 50 000 sqm
Status: Preliminary design

Marché municipal

Location: Mhamdia, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2019
Surface Area: 3600 sqm
Status: Completed

Sports hall

Location: Menzel Bouzelfa, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2022
Surface Area: 2500 sqm
Status: Competition

municipal pool du Belvédère

Location: Tunis, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2022
Surface Area: 2000 sqm
Status: Competition


Location: Mutuelle Ville, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2024
Surface Area: 150 sqm
Status: Completed

Pick Albatros Djerba

Location: Djerba, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2020
Surface Area: 10 000 sqm
Status: Preliminary design

Salle polyvalente Fiesta

Location: Djerba, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2008
Surface Area: 800 sqm
Status: Preliminary design

Renovation Hotel Abou Nawas Djerba

Location: Djerba, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2007
Surface Area: 100 000 sqm
Status: Completed

CASA Lounge

Location: Gammarth, Tunis
Project Duration: 2006
Surface Area: 1500 sqm
Status: Completed

Renovation Hotel Sun Rise Monastir

Location: Monastir, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2006
Surface Area: 80 000 sqm
Status: Completed

Renovation Hotel Abou Nawas Hammamet

Location: Hammamet, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2021
Surface Area: 40 000 sqm
Status: Preliminary design

Renovation Hotel Dar Naouar

Location: Gammarth, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2008
Surface Area: 80 000 sqm
Status: Completed

Marrakech Café

Location: Ennasr, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2003
Surface Area: 300 sqm
Status: Completed

Renovation Hotel Tanfouss

Location: Hammamet, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2004
Surface Area: 100 000 sqm
Status: Completed

Tour à vents

Location: Djerba, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2019
Surface Area: 10 sqm
Status: Completed

Wall of Time

Location: Djerba, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2019
Surface Area: 2 sqm
Status: Completed

Wokshop Sainte Marie

Location: Zaghouan, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2016
Surface Area: 30 sqm
Status: Completed

Stone and earth house

Location: Zaghouan, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2009-2015
Surface Area: 300 sqm
Status: Completed

Straw ball House

Location: Zaghouan, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2012
Status: Completed

Compressed Earth Bricks House

Location: Zaghouan, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2021
Status: Completed

spring pavilion

Location: Zaghouan, Tunisia
Project Duration: 2023
Status: Completed

H2 Team

Project Duration: 2015-2016


Project Duration: 2016-2017


Project Duration: 2017-2018


Project Duration: 2018-2019


Project Duration: 2020-2021


Project Duration: 2021-2022


Project Duration: 2022-2023


Project Duration: 2023-2024

→ Projects

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